Crystal Reiki Healing - In Person
A Crystal Reiki session is an enjoyable and meditative time, giving you an opportunity to completely relax while your body works to heal through your subtle energy fields. I hold a sacred and safe space, tuning into your energy (wherever you are) and angelic team while I perform the healing. Once you have ordered your healing, I will make contact to arrange a time with you.
Using intuitive and angelic guidance a beautiful selection of cleansed and charged crystals will be chosen specifically for you to support your needs and placed on your body (or grid), enhancing the energy flowing into your aura. Your Chakras will be assessed, re-energised and cleansed allowing energy to move freely throughout your body. Low vibrational energy, thought forms, cords and other energies that are not for your highest good, will be gently removed and replaced with nature's universal energy. Finally, all seven layers of your aura will be cleansed, grounded and sparkled up so you can sit freely in your own perfect vibe!
I am a hands on reiki practitioner, so if you are visiting me in person, I will be placing my hands on your head, shoulders, arms, tummy, hips, knees and feet. As I position my hands, I become the conduit move Source energy through your body. Your body will, itself, reposition that energy where it needs it.
I also perform a spirit releasement treatment during your healing. This is where I use your and my spiritual teams (plus a few other angels as required!), to dissolve cords, curses, hexes, witchcraft, negative entities, etheric AI, and anything else that is not for your highest good. Releasing negatively polarized energy in this way, allows the light of Source to move through your body much more freely during your healing and helps your body and cells stay in this wonderful balanced state, for longer afterwards.
At the end of the healing, I draw an oracle card to support your journey and if you are having an in person healing, you are also able to draw a card for yourself. Sometimes spiritual messages come through, which I will pass onto you if that's something you'd like. Crystal Reiki is a gentle but powerful way to realign yourself, cleanse away unwanted vibes and create a space for healing.
Included in your healing is my top tips list for keeping your vibration high and the Reflect and Reignite workbook, a wonderful twenty page tool to delve deeply into what's coming up for you, inspiring you to create goals, dream big and highlight area's needing your love and attention.